If you think
about it. Aren't we all kind of raised in a way that hard work pays off ?
That nothing
good comes easy. From childhood most of us are taught the winners
mentality. Success, victory and passing exams seems to be the trail to follow.
Losing means insecurity, trauma's and feelings of a failure.

But lets return
to the main topic. There's a global idea of how we should walk the earth from the cradle to the grave. That's
something I've concluded just by looking how most of our school/educational
system work and how the ladder of success is planted in front of us. It's just like the battle of
good vs evil, right and wrong and so on. Sometimes I think duality has been
bred into our system 'cause we are taught to think that way from the moment we
develop a conscious and vocabulary. As if taught one question has been drilled
into our system: What would society want me to do ? I assume many of you who
will read this recognize this. But also found their truth after a rebellious
period casting out confirmation and minimize
it to only the necessary action for all practical things in life aren't for free. But for many sticking
to the 'plan' of society means a material life where the feeling of something missing
I feel blessed
with my sense of curiosity in the aspects in life. Seeing challenges in all things I used to not understand about myself
and get my hands on it and work with it. Only looking for things that work for
me and not accepting truths from other people selling them. I've listened,
questioned them and if plausible I integrated it into my way of dealing with
certain aspects.
I think that's how I found or developed my ability to turn negatives into positives. Looking for
the lessons to be learned from every experience that crossed my path. Don't ask me what
ignited my look on life for I believe it has been a result from tests of time.
Bumping my head more than once and the hunt of finding my way to listen to my heart. I believe we
all have to walk our own personal journey in life. If we would all walk the same
one the road would be too small and I fear primal instincts would kick in and nobody will be happy... That's what I
mean by confirming yourself to the prescription of dr. Society. Not everybody
has the spiritual perception on life but they eventually will. If it's not in
this life it will be the next. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that people who aren't following some spiritual path
will be leading an unhappy life. But I dare to
say one with lesser awareness. But in any case the similarity will
always be that we want to feel good
in life, meant in the most general way.