Believe it or
not, I’ve finally seen ‘The Secret’ after almost six years after its
release. After years of resistance (even though I’m spiritual minded I found
the concept and theory too good to be true) I took my girlfriends (Maria)
advise to see the movie and give it a chance.
There was also
an other motivation to see it: desperation. I have been unemployed for over 5
months now and had been ‘ordering’ a new job for that whole period but it just
didn’t get delivered. Not knowing that by just saying something out loud has
less to no effect. The situation was becoming so bad that I was really worried
if there would be money for food the following months. Believe me, I’ve cried
and begged on my knees to see the lesson needing to be learned from this
situation. Fear had taken over. I used to blog regularly (at least once a
week,back then in Dutch) but I couldn’t write for days in the state I was in. But now I
cannot deny that seeing ‘the Secret’ gave me a new perspective on ‘faith’ and
believe. Besides this I started thinking what is really important to me in this
life. The only answer I could think of is giving and receiving love.
Due to the
financial circumstances I’ve also started thinking if there was anything I
could do to generate money. Meaning a review of my material possession (and
that ain’t much) and what luxury I could live without. I looked at my 46” TV,
my Blu-ray cinema set and the TV furniture and thought: “ I’m gonna miss you,
but you’ll have to go”. Also put up two other pieces of furniture. As long as I
can remember I’ve bought these electronic gadgets as a comfort purchase. It
silenced the hunger so it gave me a good feeling to have something new. But
calling those things mine was an illusion. Nothing of those purchases were ever
mine (if you know what I mean). But if you state to yourself that you’re
prepared to do anything than putting these items up for sale was a big step for
me. Selling this stuff meant 3 months of food on the table thus some financial
breathing space. I’ll come back to this later in this blog…
For the people
who has seen the movie know it comes down to the ‘law of attraction’ and
transmitting thoughts to the universe. Whatever you think you will attract.
Keep in mind this means both positive and negative. I used to laugh when a good
friend told me how she simply orders things from the universe. I always smiled
and knotted my head and thought: ”Yeah,right”. But little things from life
experiences supported the theory behind ‘The Secret’. I have to admit I’m in
debt and by thinking A) I’ll never come out of it and B) I can still manage to
get by…I’ve maintained the situation. By thinking this I’ve created a negative
pattern in my mind so kept on manifesting the thing I didn’t want to manifest.
Another example. One time Maria visited me in NL (she lives in Denmark). I live
(legally, a special project) in an office building meaning once in a while
there’s an inspection to check everything is in order and taken care of in the
building. Before Maria arrived I had the of not wanting them to have the
inspection in that time…And guess what happened: they came by on the very first
day Maria was here. My lesson from the movie is that these kind of (negative) thoughts
will manifest and can keep certain patterns alive.
A positive
example to me based on the theory is meeting Maria. My wish was to meet a
partner where the relationship would be based on: connection, equality, good
communication, spirituality and humor…I feel blessed, it’s all there !
Every day I
express my thankfulness and make clear to the universe (God, Allah, Buddha or whatever
name(s) it has for you) what it is I want formulated in positive words and
intentions. I think it’s kind of equal to praying. I’ve probably
haven’t told anything new to the people who has seen the movie. But maybe it
inspires you to watch it again. To the people who hasn’t seen the movie: give
it a chance, who knows what it will or can do for you…
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