Thursday, August 25, 2011

Struggle to survive ?

Is a struggle slowing us down, or is its intention to make us students of life ?

People often blame the past or people in our surroundings for the stagnation in the present. Even letting it flow into our figments of tomorrow. Some playing the role of a victim while
others choose to stick their head in the sand and pray for a miracle. In both cases they’re
doing nothing but staying in captivity. Not realizing that if they don’t paddle they won’t reach the shore and stay lost at sea. Being aware of a struggle is great but as long as they’re being passive the struggle will not go magically go away. Not even with a rocket launcher.

In my opinion we should try to understand why we’re holding ourselves back from moving forward. Truly analyze where the beginning lies, what motivation lies underneath it. But mostly what to do about it to lift the veil and influence the outcome in the near future. Nothing will happen  for the people who complain while their ass is glued to their chair. The world doesn’t come to them they should get up and start to walk. Unless they can find peace to  sentence themselves for life. Due to stubbornness or do I dare call it laziness ? I just worry because the world is bitter, battered and bruised enough. The focus is already too much on egotistic tendencies. A lot of people convinced they have to fight the battles themselves while the brilliance lie in asking for help. A big part of this worlds’ population like to help other people in many ways and feel good about it. But how come many of us don’t ask for it when needed ?

Since many people are too proud to ask lets always try to offer them the help. Nine out of ten times it’s appreciated. Because eventually they’ll need a listening ear even if it means nodding your head up and down and just showing some understanding and empathy. I found that it’s a true luxury to involve a friend where you feel at ease and takes you seriously.
The mind can drive you crazy and a friend can help you sort it out or offer a different perspective to continue their journey…

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