“Evil exists because people believe in it”
-Stevie Hogendoorn-
Good and evil. Often a theme within religious and spiritual movements.
In most religious forms it’s simple: All good comes from God and all evil from Satan. First of all that’s hard to swallow for me because I don’t believe in the Devil. I’ll admit. As a child and even when hitting puberty I used to ask myself: If there is a God why doesn’t he take action in wars and create peace. I think we’re actually forced to think in good and evil. Think about it. Look back at your life. How often didn’t you think that something has been done to
(of course unjustified) you at the points in life where things didn’t work out as well as you planned it ? At that point you’ve manifested evil and truly believe something has been done to you. I’ve been on that road. But what I’ve noticed is that if you believe in evil it will keep on manifesting.
But what if you would take responsibility in life ? And look at ‘evil’ as a lesson to help you in your personal progress. Wouldn’t that contribute in self love and love for the other ? As long as there is a collective consciousness in which the largest part of the world keeps on feeding the black wolf, the things we call evil remains a true belief. Believing in evil is something our big leaders would prefer. The more afraid you are the more you live in fear so power over people remains to those who can sow the most fear. I sometimes get frowns thrown at me because I don’t read any newspapers and don’t know anything about politics…So now you know why. I believe the media plays a big part in the spreading of ‘evil’ and indoctrinate the people.
Evil does not come from above nor below us. You don’t get punished in life by a higher law. We do it to ourselves or the other does it to you. We’re sensitive to negativity and are very critical toward ourselves. We’re taught from an early age to measure ourselves to others. We’re being told how we should look, what we should eat and I can go on…I can make a list of expectations of how we should serve or function in society. People who go their own way are misunderstood and become an outcast.
You can make choices as a human being without getting the desired result. We can learn through experience how we don’t want it to be. Unfortunately we can also have traumatic experiences. But remember, we also have the gift besides all the shit we’ll come across we are not doomed to maintain this our whole life. We are capable of change and go through life in a state of strength and power. What I’m trying to say is: Nothing is done to us, we’re the once who keep on running the same circle.
Do you believe in evil or that bad things are done to you ? Then you’ll be right because on a subconscious level you will always look for a negative confirmation. But if you expect there’s only ‘good’ you will discover that everything has a positive and loving intention to help you grow as a human being and empower your awareness…